Art and Social Change... gone wrong?

I have been shaken by a cultural event related to Arts and Social Change. And by shaken I mean infuriated, enraged and on the verge of organizing a coordinated rebellion. I finally decided for this post.

The case, a shameless cooptation of Social Activism rhetoric: A festival on ‘Arts and Social Activism’ in Manhattan. Artwashing. SocialPracticewashing: An organization -led by one individual who self-identifies as ‘an independent curator, cultural organizer, and fundraiser for the arts, with 15 years of experience working in art and social activism’ as well as the founder and director of such organization, is launching a month-long event to showcase the art works of ‘socially engaged artists and designers’ while money-making through ‘activist market’.

First, this festival enacts middle-man practices between artists wanting to advance their ‘ethical activist careers’ - and the art market. It also organizes ‘a boutique setting in New York City’s Lower East Side Shopping district that will draw in a targeted community of conscientious consumers who value your ethically and artistically made products’. So disgusting. Under the rhetoric of ‘ethically and conscientiously made, sold, and bought’ this fakestival is one more business aiming to mobilize individual consumers into buying their consciousness away. A kind of sin-washing through Socially engaged art.

Second, this festival misses the point of Social Activism - or just jumps on the wave of making the revolution profitable. Market driven logics can’t practice Social Activism. Why? In the same way that feminism can not be capitalist. —this is an exam question to first year, introductory undergrad courses on critical gender studies— The answer is that Social Justice efforts aim for a system in which everyone has equal access to resources and opportunities while organizes struggles against any system in which some have power over others. on contrast, Capitalism is a system based on the benefit of some over others and generates an intrinsic unequal distribution (as well as the exploitation and complete exhaustion of some) that we see manifested in instances such as: Racial capitalism, earthlings extinction, (human/organ/drugs or information) trafficking, among others. Individualization,

Attempts at coopting Socially engaged work and Art Activism are not new; this article masterfully reflects how the practice has changed names in order to escape the capitalistic grasp yet this festival is over-the-top: a website full of oxymorons such as activist market, conscious consumers, and the cara dura to say that ‘participating in the creative economy should be made accessible for artists, makers and designers and reject the elitism and exclusionary practices of the current system- while charging between US$ 1.650 and 6.600 to artists and makers for participating during the 4 weeks.


