Somatic Facilitation
innovative embodied (arts-based) methodologies encouraging collective thinking
Creating Communities of Practice (CoP) around shared interests, facilitating workshops around an issue or concern, designing a group experimentation for testing new ideas, igniting emergent processes to collectively examine shared challenges. Somatic facilitation overdrives usual and habitual modes of engaging, allowing for new perspectives, horizontal dialogues, and fresh approaches.
This work engages groups in Co-Sensing (Sensing Together) to ignite creativity and critical play through its main principles: co-creation, shared inquiry, and embodied and sensory explorations. Emergent and Situated Practices ignite creative thinking, encourage presence and facilitate open-communication. I developed this work during my Doctorate in Performance Studies, with designated emphases in Practice as Research and in Feminist Techno-Science.
Este enfoque de facilitación somática invita al Co-Sentir (Sentir juntas) y se articula en torno a principios de: Co-creación, Curiosidad compartida y exploraciones sensoriales y encarnadas. Co-Sentir activa la creatividad y el juego crítico en grupo. Mediante prácticas emergentes y situadas, esta forma de facilitacion activa el pensamiento creativo, anima la presencia y facilita la comunicacion abierta y entre iguales. Desarrollé esta metodologia durante mi doctorado en Estudios Performativos, con especializacion en Investigación desde la Práctica y en Tecno-Ciencia Feminista.
Lab de Labs, (2023- current)
A Community of Practice (CoP) around cultural mediation and Community Art Practices
This research/facilitation project works with cultural agents and art mediators/educators from la Xarxa de Fabriques de Creació de Barcelona (network of creative centers in Barcelona), to investigate, generate and share knowledge and skills around the practice of community Arts and Cultural mediation.
The project currently engages participants from: La Caldera, Ateneu de 9Barris, La Central del Circ, Graner, la Nau Ivanov, Tantarantana, La Fabra i Coats, la Brossa and representatives from ICUB- Institut de CUltura de Barcelona, Xarxa de fàbriques.

Silkworm lessons (2019- actualitat)
This project brings in the principles and lessons on somatic facilitation into a multi-species inquiry. Communities of queer ecologists, artists and feminist researchers engage in weaving new modes of being together, as we follow the lessons by silkworm colonies: slow down, synch, anchor…
“The somatic experience engendered in me a different orientation to knowledge than the ones I usually employ in my scholarship, and I quickly found myself thinking about new inroads to my project.”