Cosense, we are already silkworms. Study #3 at SCD&T
August 4th, 2019. Curated as part of Mesh, an evening of threaded bodies, I workshopped the study #3 of this ongoing poly-intimacies multiespecies weaving laboratory. A guided meditation leading into an improvised co.creation with silk-worm cocoons.
Decomposition and silk-cocoons (after-words)
I sense your scents in the thread. Traces left within the mesh of silk tissue Una maraña de olores que casi reconozco.
Trazos Impregnados.
La seda ya no huele a muerte, vinagre, jabon, the smell of the dead larva within a dried cocoon.
Now, a bouquet of human colognes, deodorants, summer suncreams, and cloths softening and soaps impregnate the mesh of white, fluffy, almost thread yet not quite, vaporous tissue.
I can almost trace the scents to the moving bodies nearby me.
I search for yours, while forged memories re-turn:
A sea of lying bodies. Silkworms shreading skin. Ghosts dying for a seventh time.
One male holding the hankie with both hands on his plexus. His eyes closed. A smile on his face while fingers explore the quality of the pelusilla.
The sound of the hankies stretching throughout the room------In one count. Two. Three. Four - at the most-.. bringing ancestral time to the thickness of now.
A multispecies connective tissue reaching into times and shapes unknown.
The light passing through the spreading web. Mesmerizing whites .
White seductress. Bombyx mory.
Silk-worms as ghosts dying in cycle with each layer of skin shredded.
A circle of silent tactile humans holding to/through the precarious volatile thread.
Pendientes de un hilo.
I am left with a sense of continuity.. Where else can this practice go? and also… how much longer? I am eager for sounds reverberating the echoes of decomposition memories and multiespecies connections across waving ghosts. And left with the question:
how to not go back to human form?