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TOGETHERING two day event
10:00 AM10:00

TOGETHERING two day event

  • Centre at the Forks, Museum London (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Honored and thrilled to be part of this event with Sweet Labour Art Collective. TOGETHERING explores themes of caregiving and care-receiving, while fostering inclusivity and connection.

I will invite the audience and community members to cosense, through a group meditation and silk making practice. A project-collaboration with silkworm colonies to unsettle the lure of individualism.

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Des-echoes at Summerworks Festival
to Aug 31

Des-echoes at Summerworks Festival

  • Summerworks Festival (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Save the dates!!!

August 13, 16, 17, improbable (Daniel Bear Davis and myself) are presenting Des-Echoes at Summer Works Festival, in Toronto.

How do we know the “other” within? In this physically dynamic piece, two inextricably intertwined bodies navigate form and variation in their shared skin. Des-Echoes is an exploration of our relation to the parts that we hide, disassociate from, or ignore. Two bodies are torn apart, conjoined, dismembered, and gathered again in a dance of generative friction. [Des-Echoes] is a complication of the Spanish, “desechos”, meaning “rubbish”, “waste”, “outcast”.

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